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The Green Mile (1999) - Syrupy Collection of Great Character Actors

  The Green Mile was a film that was in a regular rotation for my mom and stepdad when I was growing up, so I saw it many times in the late 90s and early 00s. My love of Stephen King mostly comes from my dad, who owned the first King book I ever read myself in late elementary school (Skeleton Crew) and numerous others I looked at on his shelf all the time and showed me miniseries like IT and The Stand. However, my mom contributed a little bit too with the likes of Creepshow and some of his other 80s adaptations and of course The Green Mile. So I figured why not revisit it since I own it? My biggest problem with The Green Mile is one I share with its spiritual sibling in The Shawshank Redemption which is that it is just very sentimental and sometimes even downright corny. Movies seemingly designed to make middle aged dads get in touch with their emotions by layering that syrup on thick. There’s a place for that and I understand why people really enjoy it, but it just simply isn’t my p
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Titanic (1997) - A Tale of Two Movies, One Painful and One Great

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The Cabin in the Woods (2012) - Funny, Fun, and a Little Bit Insufferable

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Star Trek The Motion Picture (1979) - Imperfect, Molasses Slow, Stunning.

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Ivan the Terrible, Part 1 (1944) - Uncomfortably Stalinist, Visually Astounding

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Leprechaun 2 (1994) - In Multiple Ways, an Improvement on the First

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Scream (1996) - Williamson Dialogue Hasn't Always Aged Well, Though Iconic All the Same

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